After a year, you finally feel safe enough to dine-in at your favorite pasta/ pizza restaurant. You thought the caffeinated soda would pair perfectly with the garlic buttered bread (yes, yes it did).
After all those carbs,
did you forget where you parked the car?
Or…your new baby is finally fast asleep in your arms.
After a sleepless night,
did you realize you had been staring at
the same line in an email for 30 minutes?
It’s time to present the findings of the project you’ve been working on during the pandemic.
After a stressful time at work,
did you lose the words to explain “the thing”
that had taken all of your attention for months?
If you feel like you are walking through your normal daily routine in a haze, you might be experiencing a common symptom described as BRAIN FOG.
Brain fog is a term that’s used to explain slow thinking, difficulty focusing, confusion, lack of concentration, forgetfulness, or a haziness in thought processes (SOURCE).
In times when stress levels are higher than normal (we’re looking at you this past year COVID-19), when sleep routines are off, when recovering from a viral/ bacterial infection, or when comfort foods seem like a “quick fix” – those are the times when the brain feels the least clear. And we are here to help!
1.AM I MOVING ENOUGH? Especially during this time, a sedentary lifestyle has become more prevalent. If you notice your brain isn’t processing at normal capacity, think about how much you move in a day. Incorporating more movement can help alleviate brain fog.
TIP: Try the cat/ cow yoga pose as a simple first step towards clarity. (WATCH)
2. AM I EATING NOURISHING FOODS? Inflammation in the body can cause systemic inflammation in the brain which adds to brain fog. Therefore, it is important to nourish your body with foods that reduce inflammation if you want to alleviate the symptom.
TIP: Eat leafy greens, almonds, salmon, strawberries, olive oil (SOURCE); Avoid: alcohol, cheese/ dairy and processed foods that contain: MSG, Aspartame, and/ or sodium (SOURCE).
3. AM I GETTING ENOUGH RESTFUL SLEEP? Especially for those that have little ones in the house, getting a restful night of sleep can be challenging. It would make sense that you might feel foggy the next day if you’ve gotten less than 7 hours of sleep in the night.
TIP: Develop healthy sleep hygiene habits: turn off screens at least one hour before bed, turn off harsh overhead lighting, take a warm bath or shower, and place a few drops of lavender on your pillow.
Like so many people who experience brain fog, maybe you’ve felt a little off but didn’t know WHY. Or… you’ve felt a little off, but you didn’t know HOW to fix it.
The naturopathic approach starts with “WHY” you are feeling the way you do so we can address “HOW” you’re feeling. Keep in mind, alleviating brain fog is not a one size fits all solution. We can help you as you start to navigate the process!
Dr. Fisel provides a comprehensive and integrative assessment with natural therapeutic solutions for those suffering from symptoms like BRAIN FOG.
Please contact Dr. Fisel, ND if you have questions about integrative solutions for your health care needs. Dr. Fisel promotes health and healing on all levels, physically, emotionally and spiritually. If you live in the Guilford/ Branford/ New Haven/ Madison/ Clinton area and would like to learn more about the innovative programs Dr. Fisel has to offer, please call (203) 453-0122 or CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment.