circadian rhythm, difficulty sleeping, natural sleep aids, sleep patterns, naturopathic medicine, dr. matt fisel

The patterns of the sun and moon, light and dark, operate on a 24-hour clock. Our sleep and wake patterns correspond to the biological rhythms of the universe and our bodies adapt accordingly. One in particular is called the circadian rhythm.

When the circadian rhythm is working well the body regulates temperature, hormones, and metabolism. But when it’s off, it can negatively impact the body’s ability to regulate mood, immune function, metabolic function, sleep, nutrition and movement.

As the seasons change, so might our circadian rhythm – especially when the time changes. More or less light changes when we go to bed or get up in the morning. In the summer we may have time for a quick jog before work as the sun is rising. In the winter we might choose to eat earlier because the sun has already set.

So many of us adapt to the changing time and changing seasons, but what if we don’t?

Conventional medicine ignores something like circadian rhythms because the topic is so broad. This perspective looks more at symptoms rather than the underlying issue and how it affects an individual. Some people have trouble sleeping but do not know the importance of the circadian rhythm and its importance in the regulation of bodily functions. When the circadian rhythm has been disrupted it can cause greater problems like insomnia, brain fog, and depression.

Here are a couple of examples of how the circadian rhythm affects the body in real-world situations:

Did you know that night shift workers have a higher rate of adverse health effects than regular 9-5 workers? “Sleepiness usually occurs during night shifts and is maximal at the end of the night. Impaired vigilance and performance occur around times of increased sleepiness and can seriously compromise workers’ health and safety” (Boivin).

Disruption in circadian rhythm affects those who are blind. “While blind individuals do have a pathway in the brain that functions as their body clock, roughly half of blind individuals experience non-24-hour sleep-wake rhythm disorder, during which their sleep cycles get later every night, jumps around, or results in waking up later in the day” (Reddy).

Naturopathic medicine looks at the individual and addresses symptoms by first identifying the underlying causes. When someone’s circadian rhythms have been disrupted, there are natural ways to get back on track. If your sleep cycle has been disrupted and you would like to get your circadian rhythm in sync, here are a few things to try:

  1. Create and keep a daily schedule. You should eat and sleep at the same time everyday (particularly helpful if you are a shift worker).
  2. If you don’t already, add an exercise routine during the day (but not too close to bedtime). Movement helps to draw down any excess energy you might have.
  3. Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine at night.
  4. The amount of light you are exposed to directly affects how much melatonin your body produces naturally. Limit the amount of natural/ artificial light your body is exposed to when it’s time to be sleeping. That may look like using blackout curtains during the day and limited electronic screens in the bedroom at night. You could also try dimming the lights before bed.
  5. In the morning, full spectrum lighting can be used to promote wakefulness and encourage alert activity. Especially in the winter months when daylight hours are at a minimum, adding artificial lighting helps sync up our natural circadian rhythm.
  6. Adding a natural hormone like melatonin to your nighttime routine can help your circadian rhythm normalize. “Melatonin is a hormone that your brain produces in response to darkness. It helps with the timing of your circadian rhythms (24-hour internal clock) and with sleep. Being exposed to light at night can block melatonin production.”

Especially during the time change, you might have noticed that your sleep patterns are off, maybe it’s your circadian rhythm that has been disrupted. Dr. Fisel can do a quick survey to get to the root of your symptoms and help you get back on track.

Are you living in the Guilford/ Branford/ New Haven/ Madison/ Clinton area of Connecticut and would like to learn more about naturopathic solutions for your menopausal symptoms? Please call (203) 453-0122 or CLICK HERE to schedule a consultation.


Boivin, D B, and P Boudreau. “Impacts of shift work on sleep and circadian rhythms.” Pathologie-biologie vol. 62,5 (2014): 292-301. doi:10.1016/j.patbio.2014.08.001

“Melatonin: What You Need to Know.” National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 

Reddy S, Reddy V, Sharma S. Physiology, Circadian Rhythm. [Updated 2022 May 8]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:

Silver, Natalie. “Circadian Rhythm: What It Is, How It Works, and More.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 30 Mar. 2022, 

“Treatment.” National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,


People often come to our practice wanting to do a cleanse or “detox”, but what does that really mean?

Very simply, detoxification means getting rid of toxins.

Detoxing our lives might look like eliminating unhealthy relationships with family or friends who negatively influence our mental health.

We can detox our living environments by choosing wood floors instead of carpet or eliminating household products with volatile organic compounds (VOC).

The bottom line is that the concept of “detoxification” is often oversimplified, and we need to get more specific with how we approach this issue.

“An accumulation of toxins may become poisonous in the human body, which may lead to potential damage of vital organs and systems.” Toxins enter the blood stream via ingestion, inhalation, absorption, and through autointoxication (TLW).

Let’s take a closer look at metabolic detoxification and how that plays out in the human body.

In our bodies detoxification means:

SYMPTOMS – Knowing when we are not well and recognizing unwanted symptoms
TOXICITY – Identifying specific toxins that prevent our systems from operating as needed
ELIMINATION – Eliminating toxins from our environment and bodies
REPAIR – Repairing our metabolic functioning to help the body perform at an optimal level


Toxicity manifests in our bodies mainly through the gut, kidneys, liver, and skin. Noticing signs of toxicity is the first step in alleviating the problem. Here are a few things to watch for (of course, check with your doctor first and foremost to determine if your symptoms are related to toxicity):

  1. Problems with digestion
  2. Skin irritations
  3. Fatigue
  4. Autoimmune diseases
  5. Abnormal body odors
  6. Frequent or severe headaches
  7. Overall aches and pains
  8. Brain fog
  9. Weight issues
  10. Chemical sensitivities

Noticing and understanding the symptoms of toxicity is helpful in recognizing whether toxins are a factor in the overall health of your body.


It is ideal to identify the specific causes of toxicity in the body, as different offending agents will require different treatment protocols.  Some of the more common examples include:

  • heavy metals
  • plasticizers
  • pesticides
  • herbicides
  • solvents
  • mold
  • microbes
  • chlorine
  • hydrogenated oils
  • food preservatives

Identifying specific toxic offenders with testing allows us to both treat the underlying cause and limit further exposure.


In addition to identifying specific exposures, we also want to look at what we can do to optimize our organs of elimination.

As mentioned before, the organs that help our bodies eliminate toxins can include the gut, kidneys, liver, and skin. Sometimes, these organs of elimination get overloaded by one or more of the aforementioned offenders, so we implement the appropriate treatments to help them recover, restoring the organs back to their optimal function.


We provide functional testing for toxicity in the body. We can also perform genetic tests and metabolites that allow us to assess how different components of our liver detoxification pathways are working, which then allows us to target those defects with specific therapies, for example.

This is where the more generic “detoxification” can come into play, as we can still identify genetic predispositions or other underlying reasons for “poor detoxification”, where you may have defective pathways that prevent you from properly metabolizing hormones or other toxic metabolites that are just part of our body’s natural way of breaking down and eliminating byproducts of foods, hormones, etc.

Clinically, we’re trying to figure out both the external variables (what and how much of the offending agent is someone being exposed to) and the internal variables (how well are my elimination and detoxification pathways working).

Schedule time with Dr. Fisel to talk about functional testing and whether or not detoxification is right for your symptoms and your body.

If you live in the Guilford/ Branford/ New Haven/ Madison/ Clinton area and would like to learn more about integrative solutions for your health care needs, I can help you get to the root of your symptoms by promoting health and healing on all levels – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Call (203) 453-0122 or CLICK HERE to schedule a consultation.


Longevity Wellness Team. “12 Signs You Need a Detox: Longevity Blog: Algarve – Portugal.” Longevity, 10 May 2022,

“Metabolic Detoxification.” Metabolic Detox: Why and How to Detoxify – Life Extension,


Somewhere between high blood sugar and full-blown diabetes lives a trait called insulin resistance (Maurer). Not only can insulin resistance contribute to diabetes, it also greatly increases your chances of weight gain and heart disease. Your body is not pre-destined for insulin resistance; rather, it’s a condition within your realm of control. It is an indicator that something more serious could be on your horizon, and also a warning sign to make preventative changes.

“After you eat, a hormone called insulin helps move glucose from your blood into your cells (4, 5). When your body (specifically the muscles, fat, and liver) doesn’t respond as easily to insulin, too much glucose remains in the blood, resulting in what we call high blood sugar. If this happens consistently and your body is unable to keep your blood sugar levels in check, you are considered insulin resistant (4).” (Vellenga).

While insulin resistance sometimes presents as asymptomatic, here are some common symptoms to watch for from high blood sugar to pre-diabetes (Cleveland Clinic):

  • Increased thirst.
  • Frequent urination (peeing).
  • Increased hunger.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Headaches.
  • Vaginal and skin infections.
  • Slow-healing cuts and sores.

When experiencing these symptoms, a treatment plan from a conventional medical perspective might be to treat what’s obvious – specifically the high blood sugar. However, from a naturopathic perspective, we look at and treat the underlying causes of the symptoms.

I offer some specific testing that can detect insulin intolerance before it becomes something more severe. And based on the results, together we will come up with a treatment plan that works in conjunction with the recommendations from your allopathic doctor and also protocols we can try from a naturopathic perspective such as:

  1. Dietary Interventions
  2. Herbal Supplementation
  3. Movement/ Exercise Suggestions

Curious if insulin intolerance is taking a toll on your present and future health? 

If you live in the Guilford/ Branford/ New Haven/ Madison/ Clinton area and would like to learn more about integrative solutions for your health care needs, I can help you get to the root of your symptoms by promoting health and healing on all levels – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Call (203) 453-0122 or CLICK HERE to schedule a consultation.


“Insulin Resistance: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment.” Cleveland Clinic, 

Maurer, Richard. “Insulin Resistance: Disease or Superpower?” Naturopathic Doctor News and Review, Naturopathic Doctor News and Review, 20 Mar. 2019, 

Vellinga, Jonathan. “Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, and Functional Medicine.” TCIM, TCIM, 20 July 2021, 


Are you experiencing health symptoms that have left you feeling less than stellar?

You have tried everything you can think of to address your symptoms:

  • Practiced an over-the-counter medication or supplement regimen
  • Consulted with and obtained an allopathic doctor’s perspective
  • Made lifestyle adjustments related to nutrition, movement, sleep and stress management habits

After all of this, are you still struggling with your symptoms despite the fact that your tests have come back “normal”?

One important aspect of naturopathic medicine is the principle of “doctor as educator.” It is the cornerstone of naturopathic care. Naturopathic physicians teach their patients how to make conscious lifestyle choices, giving them the confidence they need to reach and maintain an optimal state of health.

As such, I want to help you get to the root of your symptoms. Following are ten additional lab tests – you might not have known about or considered – that we often utilize at our office. These tests can help you get a more complete picture of your health and also help you discern how your habits and symptoms are contributing to your overall wellness.


  1. Cardiovascular – Testing done to screen for independent cardiovascular risk factors, such as hs-CRP, fibrinogen, and Lipoprotein(a). This test can give you a much more detailed assessment of your heart disease risk than just measuring cholesterol levels.
  2. Hormone – Detailed female hormone testing, including the DUTCH test, for women who are struggling with hormonal issues, and want more options than just a prescription for oral contraceptives.
  3. Glandular – Comprehensive adrenal and thyroid hormone testing, especially helpful for when you’re taking prescription thyroid medication, but still feel symptomatic.
  4. Environmental Toxicity – Heavy Metal testing, which can help to detect lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and other metals that have been linked to various neurological and autoimmune diseases.
  5. Environmental Allergens – Mycotoxin testing, to identify mold toxicity that doesn’t otherwise show up with typical allergy testing.
  6. Gut Microbiome – Comprehensive stool testing, like the GI Map or GI Effects Profile, which look at a number of factors that can have a negative impact on your digestive health, including parasites, bacterial infections, candida, and inflammatory markers, as well as looking at your healthy microbiome.
  7. Digestion – SIBO breath testing, particularly helpful for patients who have been diagnosed with IBS, or are experiencing persistent bloating that doesn’t seem to resolve with any treatments.
  8. Nutrition – Food sensitivity testing, which can help to identify foods that may be contributing to both digestive and system wide symptoms. 
  9. Metabolic – Genetic SNPs, such as MTHFR and COMT, which can identify predispositions to metabolic problems that may make you more prone to depression, anxiety, fatigue, and a number of other symptoms.
  10. Comprehensive Nutritional Testing – helps to help identify optimal levels of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and amino acids. Most conventional testing is only looking to identify blatant deficiencies, but doesn’t take optimal ranges into account. 

Navigating the information available to you in terms of your health and wellness can be a daunting task. I work to support your wellness by utilizing all perspectives. If after exploring your health options, you are left with the feeling – THERE MUST BE SOMETHING MORE I CAN DO –let’s talk about the different tests I offer in my office and determine a course of action you might not have already considered.

If you live in the Guilford/ Branford/ New Haven/ Madison/ Clinton area and would like to learn more about integrative solutions for your health care needs, I can help you get to the root of your symptoms by promoting health and healing on all levels – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Call (203) 453-0122 or CLICK HERE to schedule a consultation.


You feel stressed during the day and it’s hard to quiet your mind at night.

Then you can’t sleep at night because there are too many things to worry about.

The next day you feel a bit depressed because you are tired and stressed out.

So starts the cycle of stress, sleep deprivation and depression. I can tell you why this might be happening and help you get yourself back into a healthy pattern of sleep.

Here are some common questions people ask about insomnia and sleep deprivation:


It is generally recommended that you get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Depending on your age you may need more or less. It’s always important to evaluate what works best for you as an individual. I can help you figure out what is most healthy for your body.


There are so many benefits to getting a good night’s sleep. Here are just a few things that a restful night can provide you during the day:

  • A calm mind
  • Less anxiety and stress
  • Increased immunity
  • Improved mood
  • More energy
  • Weight management
  • Healthy human connections
  • Better memory


Insomnia can generally be thought of as a perpetuating cycle. Lack of sleep can be caused by behavioral factors, physiological factors, or a combination of both.

For instance, it is common for people to lose sleep over stress which can bring about forms of anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression are known causes of insomnia.

Another contributing factor to insomnia is the presence of poor sleep habits.

I like to get to the root of, and address, the underlying symptoms of insomnia to alleviate your issues from a whole human perspective.


In looking for the root cause of your insomnia, we can look at BEHAVIORAL FACTORS such as:

  • Daytime routines that contribute to stress
  • Eating habits that may lead to heartburn, indigestion or other internal issues
  • Movement habits that may cause pain
  • Lack of movement

We can also look at PHYSIOLOGICAL FACTORS such as:

  • Hormone issues like peri-menopause or menopause
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Sleep Apnea

It is important to reiterate that sleep disorders, like insomnia, are part of a cycle that perpetuates itself. Sometimes the contributing behavioral factors create physiological factors and vice versa.


As a naturopathic doctor, I want to help you find natural solutions for your insomnia. Here are a few general tips that you can try on your own:

  1. Manage your daily stress. This may mean letting go of work or nighttime commitments, delegating responsibilities, practicing mindfulness about what you say yes or no to, and even taking a pause in your day to meditate.
  2. Practice sleep hygiene. Make a conscious effort to slow your mind down before you go to bed. Turn off screens and put away reading materials at least an hour before sleep. Wind down by taking a warm bath, turning off overhead lights, and putting a few drops of lavender oil in a bedside diffuser.
  3. Think outside the box. Acupuncture is one of the services I provide that is a supplemental therapy beneficial to insomnia and other sleep issues. Another suggestion would be to try Integrative Therapeutics Cortisol Manager, a stress hormone stabilizer, I sell in my office.

I can help you find natural solutions and relief if you are suffering from insomnia, and help you get out of the cycle of sleep deprivation naturally.

If you live in the Guilford/ Branford/ New Haven/ Madison/ Clinton area and would like to learn more about the innovative programs Dr. Fisel has to offer, call (203) 453-0122 or CLICK HERE to schedule a consultation.


Brain Injuries, Concussions, Collisions, Athletes, Concussion Symptoms, Anti-Inflammatory, Natural Solutions

In the midst of the transition from fall to winter:

We plan to watch our kids participate in athletic activities at school,

We plan to get on our road bikes before the snow flies,

We plan for that first ski run of the season.

We often talk about our plans for this transitional time…


Statistics show that either you or someone you know has been involved in a collision that may have caused your brain to be injured in a significant way. (SOURCE)

And, although we know that helmets are helpful in protecting humans from head injuries, they are not 100% effective in preventing concussions.

Here’s why…

The CDC defines a concussion as “a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth.

This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging brain cells.” (SOURCE)

The tricky thing about brain injuries is that they do not present the same in any one person. Two people can have similar seeming injuries and have different symptoms and outcomes.

In fact, many high schools and colleges are gathering baseline brain data on their athletes so they can be more proactive in a situation where a concussion may occur.

After a head injury, you might notice certain signs of a concussion in others:

  • Can’t recall events prior to or after a hit or fall.
  • Appears dazed or stunned.
  • Forgets an instruction, is confused about an assignment or position, or is unsure of the game, score, or opponent.
  • Moves clumsily.
  • Answers questions slowly.
  • Loses consciousness (even briefly).
  • Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes.

Or the person receiving the head injury might report certain symptoms such as:

  • Headache or “pressure” in head.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Balance problems or dizziness, or double or blurry vision.
  • Bothered by light or noise.
  • Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy.
  • Confusion, or concentration or memory problems.
  • Just not “feeling right,” or “feeling down”.

If, after a head injury, you show or feel symptoms that are common in concussion scenarios, in almost all cases the key to recovery is reducing oxidative damage that causes inflammation in the brain.

One of the most important ways to reduce oxidation and inflammation in the brain is through diet and nutrition.

A common anti-inflammatory nutritional regimen would be the Mediterranean Diet or something similar. Stick with fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, lean meats, dairy products, eggs, whole grains and healthy fats.

Also, antioxidants/ anti-inflammatory supplements such as a higher DHA version of omega 3 fatty acids, Zinc, Curcumin, Creatine, Glutathione, NAC and green tea have been shown to reduce inflammation and promote brain healing. (SOURCE)

Dr. Fisel can help you find natural solutions and relief if you are recovering from the symptoms of concussions, brain inflammation or brain injury.

If you live in the Guilford/ Branford/ New Haven/ Madison/ Clinton area and would like to learn more about the innovative programs Dr. Fisel has to offer, call (203) 453-0122 or CLICK HERE to schedule a consultation.


Brain Injury Association of America

CDC: Heads Up Program

Traumatic Brain Injury: Impact, Assessment & Management of Concussion & MTBI

Traumatic Brain Injury: Definitions related to TBI


headache, eyestrain, stress, tension, migraine, mindfulness, massage, acupuncture

Is it the eyestrain of staring at a computer screen all day?

Or, maybe it is the stress of a deadline that seems impossible to meet?

Even when the cause is hard to pinpoint, you can feel that tension headache creeping up and…


what it is going to feel like when that dull sense of pain takes residence between your temples!

Then there are the much more pervasive and troublesome types of neurological disturbances…


Picture the kind of ache in your head that keeps you in bed, lights off, whispering, for hours if not days.

They are more than just headaches; they can often feel unbearable.

Headaches and migraines come to us for a myriad of reasons. Already mentioned were EYESTRAIN and STRESS, but there are other common causes that you may not have considered (SOURCE):

  • Stress
  • Emotional distress
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Certain foods or food allergies
  • Environmental exposures,
  • Infection
  • Constipation
  • Blood pressure issues
  • Drugs and Alcohol
  • Fatigue
  • Eyestrain
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Dehydration

What creates a headache for one person may result in a migraine for another. There are so many factors to consider that it cannot be reduced to a one size fits all diagnosis and solution.

“As a neurological ailment, [headaches and] migraines impact the whole person, not just the head, so it follows that treatments are based on whole-person assessment, understanding and treatment.” (SOURCE)

Western medicine addresses the alleviation of many symptoms. In our headache and migraine survival guide, we would like to offer some complementary therapies from a naturopathic perspective.

Common headaches are often called tension headaches. It follows that STRESS MANAGEMENT is an important tool in relieving tension from the body.

There are a few things you can try if you suspect tension or stress may be at the root of your headache or migraine:

  1. Practicing Mindfulness – as you feel the onset of a headache or migraine, simply notice the tension in your mind and body and give yourself permission to relax in those areas.
  1. Breathing Exercises – in the most stressful moments, when you know a headache is imminent, try the “Box Breathing” pattern by inhaling for 4 counts, holding for four counts, exhaling for four counts, and then holding for four counts. Repeat as needed.
  1. Movement – try simple exercises such as stretching at your desk, taking a break at lunch for an in person or online yoga session, or simply taking a walk around the block can be helpful.

During the pandemic, you might have found yourself typing away on your laptop from the couch.

Did you know that BODY POSITIONING and alignment of the spine can affect the level and frequency of headaches and migraines?

Naturopathic doctors are trained to assess and correct physiological issues in your bodily structure that may be a contributing factor when you experience headaches or migraines.

  1. Massage – assists in relaxing tense muscles
  1. Manipulation/ Adjustments – assures that head, spine and skeletal structure are in alignment
  1. Acupuncture – increases blood flow and calms the nervous system

Systemic inflammation plays a detrimental role in overall wellness and how a body feels. Therefore, it is important to pay proper attention to your needs in terms of NUTRITION in order to prevent and/ or eliminate headaches and migraines.

The following are a few suggestions that may assist you in doing just that:

  1. Hydration – adequate hydration fluctuates from person to person, but staying hydrated makes a difference in preventing headaches and migraines.
  1. Anti-Inflammatory Diet – a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids from nuts and wild caught fish, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats reduces the likelihood of headaches and migraines
  1. Herbs/ Supplements* that are known to reduce headaches and migraines:

Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin) – has been shown to reduce migraine symptoms and has long been used as a supplement option

Magnesium – often times those that suffer from headaches or migraines are found to have low doses of magnesium in their blood stream.

Feverfew – a member of the daisy family, feverfew is an herb that can be ingested and has shown to be useful in the treatment of headaches and migraines.

*Always consult your naturopathic doctor before introducing herbs or supplements to your diet.

Although there are very valid and useful treatments offered by western medicine, a naturopathic perspective can be beneficial in getting to the root cause of your symptoms for headaches and migraines.

Dr. Fisel can help you find natural solutions and relief if you are battling with problematic headaches or migraines. If you live in the Guilford/ Branford/ New Haven/ Madison/ Clinton area and would like to learn more about the innovative programs Dr. Fisel has to offer, call (203) 453-0122 or CLICK HERE to schedule your consultation.


Why Your Injuries Aren’t Healing Properly

injuryOveruse injuries are something I see in my practice on an almost daily basis.  Whether it’s low back pain from running, shoulder pain from lifting weights, or neck pain from being in the wrong position for too long, most of us have experienced an issue related to muscle pain.  Most of us have been told what to do when it comes to dealing with the immediate trauma-rest, ice, compression, elevation, etc.  But what about the majority of you who aren’t getting relief weeks, months, or sometimes years after the initial trauma? What I’m finding is that the typical approach to soft tissue injuries (muscles, tendons, ligaments) is actually leading to further damage, and a long-term weakening of tissue.   [Read more…]

Allergies-Understanding Causes and Risks

allergies, food allergies, environmental allergies, children, alternative medicine, natural medicine  The incidence of allergic rhinitis seems to be increasing every year, among both infants and adults. Most doctors will simply treat the symptoms, but it’s important to look more closely at some of the underlying causes, and how you can prevent allergies from affecting your quality of life.

Benefits of pets, siblings, and farms

To look at this question, researchers questioned 8,486 adults, aged 20 to 40, from 13 countries, about their childhoods and their current respiratory health. After nine years, the study participants completed these questionnaires again and also were asked whether and when they developed nasal allergies or hay fever.

After taking into account other things that may affect allergies, including family history of allergies and whether their parents smoked, the researchers identified several childhood factors linked with later developing allergies:

  • Contact with children, either siblings or in daycare, decreased the risk of developing allergies.
  • The more siblings a person had, the lower his or her likelihood of developing rhinitis.
  • Sharing a bedroom with an older sibling was protective against developing allergies.
  • Having pets in the home or living on a farm as a child significantly decreased the likelihood of developing allergies.
  • Having a mother who smoked while they were in utero and when they were a child increased allergy risk.
  • Women had fewer allergies than men as kids, but more allergies as adults.

The balance between clean and not-so-clean

Some of these results may be surprising because they suggest that childhood exposure to more “dirt and germs” can keep allergies at bay. On the other hand, other studies suggest that for children growing up in urban environments, being exposed to urban pests such as cockroaches may increase allergy and asthma risk. Read on for tips on finding the right “balance of clean” to keep your family healthy.

  • If your child has been begging for a pet, don’t let the “dirt and germ factor” dissuade you. Of course, only consider adding a pet to your family if you know you can care for it properly, and pick one that fits your lifestyle. For example, cats tend to be lower maintenance than dogs.
  • Periodically taking your child out to a farm to see where our food comes from is a terrific learning experience, and it may just offer the added benefit of reducing your child’s risk of developing allergies.
  • Some parents of kids who have to share bedrooms feel they aren’t giving their kids the best of everything. But having siblings share a bedroom may be one of the best ways to allergy-proof your little ones.
I also recommend blood testing to identify potential environmental and food allergies, as this can also help to narrow down treatment options, making it more likely that you’ll experience longer term relief from hay fever symptoms.

Neuropathy and Natural Medicine

Neuropathy, whether it’s diabetic or idiopathic, is often challenging to treat, with any modality. However, I do find that the combination of acupuncture and naturopathic interventions tend to be much more successful than the “standard” protocol (which usually includes gabapentin and various cocktails of prescription painkillers). A recent study from the journal Diabetes Care (2011 July 25) discovered that 600 mg/day of the nutrient alpha-lipoic acid lead to a clinically significant improvement in patients with diabetic neuropathy. Clinically, I’ve also found that other forms of neuropathy often respond well to alpha-lipoic acid therapy as well. Other treatments that help to enhance peripheral circulation and restore nutrition to damaged nerves, such as acetyl-l-carnitine, mixed bioflavonoids, and B-vitamins, can also be beneficial in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy.

It’s not uncommon for people to be kept on medications for life when trying to deal with peripheral neuropathy pain, with the resulting relief being minimal at best. If this is something you have suffered from, don’t be afraid to seek alternatives, as there is enough clinical and research evidence to support the benefits.

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